Abstract Submission For Health Asia 2024: 1st October’ 2024

Deadline for abstract submission : 3/10/2024
Announcement of accepted e-posters: 3/10/2024
Deadline for e-poster submission: 13/10/2024

(You are strongly advised to submit as early as possible as heavy submission traffic on the last day may result in technical difficulties during submission).

Jury names: Prof. Nadeem Ahmad (AKU), Prof. Saba Sohail (DUHS), Prof. Tariq Mahmood (JPMC) & Prof. Nasreen Naz (DUHS).

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

before 3/10/2024, 12:00 A.M

SUBJECT OF EMAIL: HealthAsia 2024 poster abstract.

All presenters will be awarded a certificate of participation and there will be a cash prize for three best posters from radiologist and non-radiologist category each.
The submitting presenter must register for the conference.

Abstract Format:

  1. Single Microsoft Word format only (.doc/.docx)
  2. Single spacing; Font – Arial, 12 point
  3. Title
  4.  Author (s) with department and hospital details.
  5.  Statement of disclosure.
  6.  Name, address, and mobile number of the presenter. 
  7. The abstract body should include the following headings: Aims, Material & Methods, Results and Conclusions for original research or audits. Although Aims and Discussion/Conclusions are compulsory, the intervening headings may be amended slightly for other submissions categories such as pictorial reviews/ interesting cases/ techniques or educational posters.
  8. 250-word limit for the main body of the abstract (excluding title, author’s names/ affiliations, disclosure details, headings and keywords)
  9. No pictures, tables or charts.
  10. List 3-4 keywords at the end of the abstract.

Please note that by submitting your e-poster for HealthAsia 2024, you are granting the organizers rights and permission to use or display your presentation online or in print media.

Accepted Poster Guidelines:

  1. Submission of Digital Poster Dead line: 13/10/2024 ; 12:00 a.m
  2. Your digital poster must meet the following requirements:
  3. Orientation: Single Portrait (Size of poster in A4 210mmx297mm, font types: Calibri, Arial)
  4. File type: PDF
  5. File size: Less than 1MB
  6. The heading should indicate the title of the paper, author(s), institution, and location.

Thank You For submitting with us.

Online Poster Submission Closed before 13/10/2024, 12:00 A.M


For more information e-mail: asif.bilal@aku.edu